A home perfume gallery

Some people collect fragrances for their artistic merit, and instead of wearing them spray them occasionally in solitude or for guests as a way to ‘display’ these ephemeral works like paintings in time and space.

I have a few in my collection that I love but rarely wear: Guerlain’s Jicky and Hermès’ Épice Marine for the memories they hold, Bond No. 9’s I❤️NY for its weird candied chestnut note, Amouage’s Figment Man for its realistic petrichor (the dusty smell of first rain after dry weather).

Think of perfume like art for a moment – just because someone loves Andy Warhol doesn’t mean a print of Marilyn Diptych would suit their mid-century modern dining room. Just the same, a big, extroverted icon like Calvin Klein’s Obsession or Mugler’s Angel probably doesn’t suit someone with a conservative fashion sense.

It can be nice to think of yourself as a perfume gallerist, curating a collection of diverse and beautiful creations. But if you don’t wear your fragrances at least occasionally, you may find yourself becoming a perfume archivist.

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